© George Cohen
Dominican Republic, Fifth Avenue, NYC, February 25, 1977.
Demonstrators Jeer Chilean Town Hall Attendees, NYC, 1977.
Anti-Apartheid Rally, Columbia University, NYC, May 6, 1985.
Anti-Apartheid Rally, Columbia U., NYC, May 6, 1985.
Anti-Apartheid Rally, Columbia U., NYC, May 6, 1985.
Columbia U.Trustee Lectures Anti-Apartheid Demonstrators, May 6, 1985.
Anti-Apartheid March, Herald Sq., NYC, May 1, 1977.
“Death to Apartheid,” NYC, 1977.
Anti-Apartheid March, Herald Sq., NYC, May 1, 1977.
Vietnam War is Over, Central Park, NYC, May 1, 1975.
Anti-Porno March and Rally, Bryant Park, NYC, October 20, 1979.
Labor Day Parade, Fifth Ave., NYC, September 7, 1987.
Anti-Vietnam War Rally, Pentagon, Washington, D.C., 1968.
Gay Pride March, Greenwich Village, NYC, 1980.
“Homosexuals Unite,” NYC, 1977.
“Gay Youth,” NYC, !9—
“Out Of The Closets…” NYC, 19—.
Pro-Choice March, NYC, 19—.
Gay March, Washington, D.C., October 14, 1079.
"My Body, My Choice," Washington, D.C., !9--.
Pro-Choice Demonstration, Fifth Ave., NYC, 197-.
42nd Street, NYC, October 20, 1979.
42nd Street, NYC, October 20, 1979.
Pro-Choice Rally, Washington, D.C., 19—.
"Women Against Pornography," 42nd St., NYC, 19--.
Occupy Wall St. Foley Sq., NYC, 2011.
Breasts vs. Bombs,” Anti-War March, Washington, D.C. September 29, 2007.
Occupy Wall St. Foley Sq., NYC, November 17, 2011.
Occupy Wall St. Foley Sq., NYC, November 17, 2011.
Occupy Wall St. Foley Sq., NYC, November 17, 2011.
Occupy Wall St. Foley Sq., NYC, November 17, 2011.
"Occupy Everywhere," Zucotti Plaza, NYC, November 5, 2011.
May Day March For Immigration, Union Sq., NYC, May 1, 2011.
Wall Street, NYC, March 2009.
Vietnam-Puerto Rico Solidarity, Bronx NYC, 1975.
“People’s Budget,” Foley Sq., NYC, 1976.
“Racism Must Go!”, Washington, D.C. !977.
Dominican Republic, Fifth Avenue, NYC, February 25, 1977.
Demonstrators Jeer Chilean Town Hall Attendees, NYC, 1977.
Anti-Apartheid Rally, Columbia University, NYC, May 6, 1985.
Anti-Apartheid Rally, Columbia U., NYC, May 6, 1985.
Anti-Apartheid Rally, Columbia U., NYC, May 6, 1985.
Columbia U.Trustee Lectures Anti-Apartheid Demonstrators, May 6, 1985.
Anti-Apartheid March, Herald Sq., NYC, May 1, 1977.
“Death to Apartheid,” NYC, 1977.
Anti-Apartheid March, Herald Sq., NYC, May 1, 1977.
Vietnam War is Over, Central Park, NYC, May 1, 1975.
Anti-Porno March and Rally, Bryant Park, NYC, October 20, 1979.
Labor Day Parade, Fifth Ave., NYC, September 7, 1987.
Anti-Vietnam War Rally, Pentagon, Washington, D.C., 1968.
Gay Pride March, Greenwich Village, NYC, 1980.
“Homosexuals Unite,” NYC, 1977.
“Gay Youth,” NYC, !9—
“Out Of The Closets…” NYC, 19—.
Pro-Choice March, NYC, 19—.
Gay March, Washington, D.C., October 14, 1079.
"My Body, My Choice," Washington, D.C., !9--.
Pro-Choice Demonstration, Fifth Ave., NYC, 197-.
42nd Street, NYC, October 20, 1979.
42nd Street, NYC, October 20, 1979.
Pro-Choice Rally, Washington, D.C., 19—.
"Women Against Pornography," 42nd St., NYC, 19--.
Occupy Wall St. Foley Sq., NYC, 2011.
Breasts vs. Bombs,” Anti-War March, Washington, D.C. September 29, 2007.
Occupy Wall St. Foley Sq., NYC, November 17, 2011.
Occupy Wall St. Foley Sq., NYC, November 17, 2011.
Occupy Wall St. Foley Sq., NYC, November 17, 2011.
Occupy Wall St. Foley Sq., NYC, November 17, 2011.
"Occupy Everywhere," Zucotti Plaza, NYC, November 5, 2011.
May Day March For Immigration, Union Sq., NYC, May 1, 2011.
Wall Street, NYC, March 2009.
Vietnam-Puerto Rico Solidarity, Bronx NYC, 1975.
“People’s Budget,” Foley Sq., NYC, 1976.
“Racism Must Go!”, Washington, D.C. !977.